Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Real Change

"Real change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing." ~ Sheldon Kopp, American psychotherapist, 1929-1999

The decision to ask for a divorce was not an easy one for me.  I married for life, and divorce was not in my vocabulary.  But staying married to a man who had lied to me and cheated on me for years was just not an option.

When I saw this quote, it made perfect sense to me and clearly defined how I felt two years ago when I was having to decide whether or not to go forward with a divorce.  The pain of staying married to my gay husband was far greater than the pain of leaving a marriage that had spanned more than three decades. 

It still hurts, but the hurt lessens each day.  I hope you can make the right change for YOU.


  1. Dear Maggie,

    This quote also made a lot of sense to me, I am in the sad process of separating from my gay husband. It is so true that the pain of staying in the marriage is greater than the current pain of separation.

    Keep going with the fabulous blog!

  2. Thanks, Anonymous, for commenting. I wish you the very best with your new life ahead. It isn't easy, but you'll get through. Just lean on your supportive friends and family.

  3. Better an end with pain than pain without end
